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Английский словарь американских идиом - middle


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  ~1 n 1 the middle a) the part that is furthest from the sides, edges, or ends  (a seat in the middle of the front row | Here's a photo of us on holiday - that's me in the middle. | right in the middle/right down the middle etc)  (The other car was driving right in the middle of the road. | Going through the middle of Tokyo in the rushhour can be a nightmare.) b) the part that is between the beginning and the end of an event, story, period etc  (Why don't we meet sometime in the middle of the week? | She started to feel sick in the middle of the exam. | I arrived in Athens in the middle of a heatwave.) c) the position or rank that is between the highest and the lowest position in a list of people or things  (Janine graduated top of the class and I finished somewhere around the middle.) d) the inside part of an object such as a ball, or piece of fruit  (Urgh! There's a maggot in the middle of this apple!) 2 be in the middle of (doing sth) to be busy doing something  (Can I call you back - I'm in the middle of a meeting. | She was just in the middle of getting the dinner ready.) 3 C usually singular informal the waist and the part of the body around the stomach  (Nick seems to be getting a bit fat round his middle.) 4 in the middle of nowhere a long way from the nearest town or from any interesting places  (So there we were, in the middle of nowhere, and out of gas.) 5 divide/split sth down the middle to divide something into equal halves or groups  (The votes are divided right down the middle on this issue.)  (- see also piggy in the middle piggy1 (2)) ~2 adj only before noun 1 nearest the centre, especially of a row, list, or group of things or people  (the middle house in a row of five | Two of his middle front teeth were missing. | the middle drawer of the filing cabinet) 2 halfway through an event or period of time  (They spent the middle part of their vacation in Florida.) 3 in your middle twenties/thirties etc about 25, 35 etc years old 4 middle brother/child/daughter etc the brother etc who is between the oldest and the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (middles) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The middle of something is the part of it that is furthest from its edges, ends, or outside surface. Howard stood in the middle of the room sipping a cup of coffee... Hyde accelerated away from the kerb, swerving out into the middle of the street... Make sure the roast potatoes aren’t raw in the middle. = centre the middle of nowhere: see nowhere N-COUNT: usu the N in sing, oft N of n 2. The middle object in a row of objects is the one that has an equal number of objects on each side. The middle button of his uniform jacket was strained over his belly. ...the middle finger of her left hand. ADJ: ADJ n 3. The middle of an event or period of time is the part that comes after the first part and before the last part. I woke up in the middle of the night and could hear a tapping on the window... It was now the middle of November, cold and often foggy... N-SING: the N of n • Middle is also an adjective. The month began and ended quite dry, but the middle fortnight saw nearly 100mm of rain fall nationwide. ADJ: ADJ n 4. The middle course or way is a moderate course of action that lies between two opposite and extreme courses. He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention... ADJ: ADJ n 5. If you divide or split something down the middle, you divide or split it into two equal halves or groups. They agreed to split the bill down the middle... = in half PHRASE: PHR after v 6. If you are in the middle of doing something, you are busy doing it. It’s a bit hectic. I’m in the middle of cooking for nine people... PHRASE: v-link PHR -ing/n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English middel, from Old English; akin to Old English midde  Date: before 12th century  1. equally distant from the extremes ; medial, central the ~ house in the row  2. being at neither extreme ; intermediate  3. capitalized  a. constituting a division intermediate between those prior and later or upper and lower Middle Paleozoic  b. constituting a period of a language or literature intermediate between one called Old and one called New or Modern Middle Dutch  4. of a verb form or voice typically asserting that a person or thing both performs and is affected by the action represented  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1. a ~ part, point, or position  2. the central portion of the human body ; waist  3. the position of being among or in the midst of something in the ~ of the crowd  4. something intermediate between extremes ; mean  5. the center of an offensive or defensive formation; especially the area between the second baseman and the shortstop ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & v. --attrib.adj. 1 at an equal distance from the extremities of a thing. 2 (of a member of a group) so placed as to have the same number of members on each side. 3 intermediate in rank, quality, etc. 4 average (of middle height). 5 (of a language) of the period between the old and modern forms. 6 Gram. designating the voice of (esp. Greek) verbs that expresses reciprocal or reflexive action. --n. 1 (often foll. by of) the middle point or position or part. 2 a person's waist. 3 Gram. the middle form or voice of a verb. 4 = middle term. --v.tr. 1 place in the middle. 2 Football return (the ball) from the wing to the midfield. 3 Cricket strike (the ball) with the middle of the bat. 4 Naut. fold in the middle. Phrases and idioms in the middle of (often foll. by verbal noun) in the process of; during. middle age the period between youth and old age, about 45 to 60. middle-aged in middle age. the Middle Ages the period of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West (5th c.) to the fall of Constantinople (1453), or more narrowly from c.1000 to 1453. middle-age (or -aged) spread the increased bodily girth often associated with middle age. Middle America 1 Mexico and Central America. 2 the middle class in the US, esp. as a conservative political force. middle C Mus. the C near the middle of the piano keyboard, the note between the treble and bass staves, at about 260 Hz. middle class the class of society between the upper and the lower, including professional and business workers and their families. middle-class adj. of the middle class. middle common room Brit. a common room for the use of graduate members of a college who are not Fellows. middle course a compromise between two extremes. middle distance 1 (in a painted or actual landscape) the part between the foreground and the background. 2 Athletics a race distance of esp. 400 or 800 metres. middle ear the cavity of the central part of the ear behind the drum. the Middle East the area covered by countries from Egypt to Iran inclusive. Middle Eastern of...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  мор. мидель ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) помещать в середину 2) середина 3) средина 4) срединный 5) средний in the middle of — посреди, посредине law of excluded middle — закон исключенного третьего law of the excluded middle — матем. закон исключенного третьего, правило исключенного третьего middle point of triangle — средняя точка треугольника middle water trawler — траулер средней дальности лова principle of excluded middle — принцип исключенного третьего sampling at middle of period — выбор в середине периода - excluded middle - middle course - middle deck - middle marker - middle note - middle oil - middle ordinate - middle roll - middle surface - middle unit - undistributed middle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. середина (right) in the (very) middle of the room —- (прямо) в (самой) середине комнаты in the middle of the speech —- во время речи the middle of life —- зрелый возраст in the middle of life —- в середине жизни there is a pain in the middle of my back —- у меня боль в пояснице 2. талия to catch (to seize) smb. round the middle —- обнять кого-л. за талию he was up to his middle in water —- он был по пояс в воде 3. разг. живот he became fatter round the middle —- у него вырос животик I've got a pain in my middle —- у меня болит живот 4. грам. средний или медиальный залог (также middle voice) 5. мор. мель посредине входа или фарватера 6. подача мяча на середину поля (футбол) 7. небольшой газетный очерк на литературную, социальную или этическую тему (также middle article) Id: to knock smb. into the middle of next week —- нокаутировать (также перен.) Id: in the middle of nowhere —- Бог знает где; у черта на рогах (на куличках), в Тмутаракани Id: a village in the middle of nowhere —- деревенька в самой глубинке 8. средний middle position —- среднее положение; положение посередине middle finger —- средний палец middle height —- средний рост a man of middle size —- человек среднего роста; человек средней комплекции middle school —- средняя школа middle years (age) —- зрелые годы, зрелый возраст during his middle age —- когда он уже был немолодым middle name —- второе имя (отчество) middle ear —- анат....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  East Ближний Восток MIDDLE  1. noun  1) середина; in the middle of -  а) в середине (чего-л.);  б) во время (какого-л. дела, занятия)  2) coll. талия  3) gram. медиальный/средний залог (тж. middle voice)  4) подача мяча в центр поля (футбол) in the middle of nowhere - неизвестно в каком месте; непонятно где Syn: see centre  2. adj. средний; the middle reaches of the Danube - среднее течение Дуная; - middle age - middle years - the Middle Ages - the upper middle class - the lower middle class - middle finger - middle school - middle watch - the middle way  3. v.  1) поместить в середину  2) подать мяч на середину поля (в футболе) MIDDLE age средний возраст MIDDLE Ages noun; pl. средние века; средневековье MIDDLE class средняя буржуазия MIDDLE distance средний план MIDDLE years зрелые годы; MIDDLE Eastern adj. средневосточный MIDDLE finger средний палец; MIDDLE school средняя школа MIDDLE watch naut. ночная вахта (с 24 ч. до 4 ч.) MIDDLE West noun geogr. Средний Запад (в США, Канаде) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. middel, from W.Gmc. *middila, from P.Gmc. *methjaz "mid," from PIE base *medhjo-. Middle age is late M.E.; Middle Ages is 1722, translating L. medium жvum; middle class is 1766. Middlebrow first recorded 1925. Middleman in the trading sense is from 1795; middle management is 1957. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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